There are great opportunities to grow a property portfolio using the “off market” route to locate properties that for some reason are not on the internet or being advertised. Reasons for not listing a property for sale using traditional methods are varied. Matrimonial dispute ,financial distress, time of the year and tenant /lease problems are amongst the many.
We are moving towards a great period for “off market” buying with the advent of the festive and holiday seasons. There will be a lot of anxious Vendors wanting to sell in December and January and if buyers are savvy they will be looking hard, and often finding bargains, as a result of Vendor circumstances. Rarely are properties actively advertised during this period which means there is a need to create relationships with as many Agents as possible to ensure you receive an early phone call about a property that needs to be sold.
As a buyer though, it is important that finance has been arranged so you will be in a position to make unconditional offers with early settlements, two of many strong bargaining tools available to you as a buyer , to clinch a deal. Call Tim Hunt of Boss Mortgages 0412 714 665 to discuss this very important facility. As a buyer though, having readily available finance, is not the only advantage you may have. You could well be the ONLY buyer a circumstance that does not prevail in today’s market but one that could be put to great advantage in that quiet six week period.
Please contact me if you require further information or need help to buy.